Friday, May 15, 2015

TRI Sports

The kiddos at Tri Sports are hard at work this spring honing skills and having fun! The Tri-Sports program, in its inaugural year, rotates through sports on a seasonal basis; soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter and baseball in the spring.

“We find that it gives participants time to really work on the sports skills, gain some long lasting progress and appreciate the sport a little more,” said program instructor Dane Arias. Dane has been a dedicated staff member at SEC for the past 3 years and really taken the Tri-Sports program to the next level in its development.

Last night’s program was a great one! Participants began the evening by warming up tossing the baseball back and forth with one another as Dane and program staff set up stations for the proceeding drills. The little athletes then completed a technical obstacle course involving an agility ladder, hula hoops and a ball toss.

“These drills are designed to help develop and improve key physical and cognitive abilities like balance, coordination, attention, and executive functioning as well as gross and fine motor movements. We try to do that in a fun way,” said an always enthusiastic SEC staff member, Gary Pace.

After a quick bathroom and water break the kids sat down and worked on coordinated ball rolling across the gym floor. This was a lot of fun for the kids and a lot harder than it looks!

The practice ended with a home run derby with a boom bat and a batting tee. Kids ran the bases while other children were taught the significance of each base. Hands in…………. TRI SPORTS!

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